
This is about [Mitsuki], an original character based on Obey Me! game universe. The character, their background stories and drawings belongs to me, unless official arts from the game and Picrew's pics posting that will be always credited.
Any similarity to real life and real people is purely coincidental, since [Mitsuki] is a fictional and original character, not a self-insert.

  • Above all the things, consent and respect is a MUST!

  • No triggers, but be nice and respectful, please, and Mun will be the same;

  • Ships and trust are earned. But shipping or deep friendship will be surely impossible if you're not my friend or don't contact/share plots with me. I'm not really looking for ships, Mitsuki is friendly and curious and want to make friends, but I couldn't help if she starts feeling something about your character, I just go with the flow;

  • DMs can and will be used to exchange "messages" between Muse's friends, OOC/muse matters as plot discussion/chatting and NSFW content;

  • Mun and Muse are adults. Despite trying to keep the account most SFW possible, it means the RP account may interact with suggestive content and +18 accounts not meant for minors. Scroll by your own responsability, I'm not your parent;

  • Don't pressure me for an answer, Mun is an adult² and has personal life/responsabilities out internet;

  • Mun is ok with NSFW RP, but prefers transfering to DMs if it starts getting too suggestive or innapropriate. But back to the third topic... I probably won't write NSFW with someone I don't know, it's awkward;

  • If Mun or Muse do something uncomfortable for you, please, communication is the key. Contact me if I didn't notice and haven't did it yet and let's fix things as mature beings;

  • Not really a rule, but I'll reply mirrored style, unless you're using fonts or aesthetic writing. It may be a single resumed action or several Tweets depending on your style.

Name: Mitsuki
Age: 21
Race: Human
Height: 160cm / 5'3
Birthday: Feb28
Sexuality: Ace/Demi
Likes: Osamu Dazai (BSD), nature, rabbits, cute things, the sky, playing RPGs and sweet food.
Dislikes: Math
Hobbies: Enjoys drawing and playing mobile games mostly. Takes pictures from random sceneries and tiny things she finds interesting.

Sometimes she will like, talk and retweet things of Pokémon, random anime, food, fashion and cute aesthetic stuff. Turn off her retweets if it makes you uncomfortable.


Mitsuki is a petite girl, beige skin toned and has light-brown freckles focused on several spots on her body; cheeks, nose, cleavage and shoulders. There are two notable beauty marks; one on right side of her neck and on the right breast.

She was originally dark brown-haired, long and slight curled, cutting it really short after an incident and dyeing cotton-candy pink later. Her eyes are light-brown/honey-like color.

Her clothes consists mostly of high socks, short pants and pastel color big shirts. She likes to paint her nails usually light-blue color or nude tones.

Get ready for a really silly ahoge.

Her name is written as "満月", that means "fullmoon".

Mitsuki is often seeing as a gentle, childish, cheerful, friendly and silly girl. But also might be shy and quietly, depending on who she's interacting.

Sometimes acts sturbborn and grumpy, but she isn't able to be mean to anyone on her free-will. She will try to cheer and support friends whenever they need.

She is clumsy and is often forgetting details or even important things.
At the same time she enjoys being alone and doing her interests, she feel lonely and insecure often, comparing herself to others inside her mind; she grew up being pressured to be good as her older brother and not being able to be like that haunts her. She also grew up hearing to keep "bad feelings" to herself because people would avoid her if they know her true side.

Mitsuki don't feel much comfortable around men, mostly if they don't show respect for her personal space, fearing them, but once she gets used to your presence will easily forget about her triggers and stick around you normally. She hesitates to touch people, unless they're female friends.

Sometimes pretty dense and fails to understand innuendos.



  • First of all, Dazai (BSD) is her husbando. She simps for him and has a body pillow of him. Talk about BSD series once and she'll get into fangirl/simp mode, talking non-stop;

  • She likes fighting games and RPGs, above of all game genres;

  • She can draw, her drawing style is anime chibi;

  • Absolutely L O V E S plushies;

  • She can cook. Not "wow good" level, but enough to survive;

  • Have no idea how magic works. She can try, though, high possibility of nothing happening or even going wrong;

  • She likes to drink but takes a while to really get drunk;

  • Nu-huh. This girl is broken as Mammon;

  • Be ready for tons of incomprehensible mumbling when she tries to explain herself, getting embarrassed;

  • Lots of procrastination.

From Human World to Devildom

The one who constantly seeks acceptance.

Shortly, Mitsuki used to live an ordinary life at Human World with her parents, an older brother and an younger sister.

While her older brother had average grades on school and a successful life, bringing much pride to her parents, Mitsuki got used to getting lectured by her low grades and "cheap/useless" interest for art and stars, being compared and pressured to be like her brother.

She ocasionally gave up on these due pressure and lack of support.

Things didn't get really better when her little sister was born, but at least someone who she could rely on and being friends. Her younger sister is also average smart, like following brother's path and parents wishes.

As soon as possible she got a job, saving enough money to try her life alone, once again looking for her interests... Until suddenly finding herself in a room being stared by powerful demons.

I'll tag here her friends and acquaintances for future references. Same characters with different muns of course will be treated different on formal RPs, as if it is a different time-line, based on how much and how they interact. :)

  • @L3V1ACH4N & @SatanWantsU2 - Crush. She interacts often with them and trust the most, but she have a hard time being honest with her feelings.

  • @S0L0Magus - Bestfriend. They often talk about cute things, plushies, Pokémon, etc. She quite enjoy chilling and doing nothing next to him, sometimes venting. She feels comfortable around him.

  • @Luna_0ctober - Bestfriend. Older sister vibes! She loves her cooking and hanging with her. Luna is very lovely and always makes Mits feels better no matter how bad she is at the moment. Definitely someone she likes to rely on.

  • @SomeLazyDork - Bestfriend. Lord Moomoo cult. Despite thinking it's funny, she's deeply afraid of this idea. She'd join just because Dork is her best friend and wants to see she happy, though.

  • @Wrathcatan & @MightyRirifer - Close Friends. She can't really join their horny vibe but she enjoy watching them and hanging out with these two. She likes Riri cooking.

  • @TearsInMyWine - Close friend. Drinking buddy. She'd like to drink more with her, for sure. Thinks her bad-but-soft-girl vibes really cool. Chelsea x Mammon is OTP.

  • Yuuna_chouchou - Close friend. Mits thinks Yuuna is very hug-able and her shape-shifting ability is fantastic. Just turns everything better!

Acquaintances and New Friends
I'll tag here accounts she interacts sometimes but not really often or started to interact recently and she wants to become close friends.

  • @Witchy_sheep;

  • @princeofgreeed;

  • @Belph_a-roo (both underline, not trace);

  • @BeelzeBorgerz;

  • @thedream_demon;

  • @Asmoluvelfandu;

  • @BarbatosButtler;

  • @asm_oddeus;

  • @simeonsenex;

  • @AllMightyLuci;

  • @Mammons_Avarice;

Here will be shared some fun, weird and even sad scenes from past. More will be added over time.


Mitsuki once visited farm with her parents and older brother, before even her sister's birth.

As always, it was her brother related, something her young and naive mind couldn't easily understand.

Early business world! Boooring.

Instead of keeping by their side listening at the boring conversation, she got curious about that place and went for a big exploration by herself.

A true adventure!

There was so many animals she had never seen, she was amazed by them... Until crossing paths with a wide wood fence full of little furr balls, several colors, poucing ears, happily jumping around...!

"Waaaah...!!" Mitsuki's eyes. They've never been so bright before.

"Do you like them?" She was so distracted that hadn't noticed the old farmer standing there, smiling tenderly.

"Mm! They're cute and fluffy!" The little one cheers, standing on tiptoes to lurk better the fence.

"Glad to know. They're pretty act-"

"There's one giving its friend a piggyback ride!" The girl pointed, interrupting the man.

The bunnies... Yes, that. The old farmer giggled, starting to sweat, getting embarrassed.

"Yes, they're... Playin-"

Once again he got interrupted by her surprised tone as soon she noticed one of them doing a abrupt movement, falling aside as if it had died.

"The bunny died!! They died?!?!?"

Poor naive little girl, already in tears, thinking of the worst, whimpering.

"Buuuunny, buuunny!"

The poor farmer wanted to bury himself seven feet below the ground, such embarrassment. Getting closer to the little girl, he gave Mitsuki gently headpats.

"Um, listen. It didn't die, only resting." He sighs, wishing for God, for that little rabbit to recover soon. As it seems, his prayers were answered, took a few minutes for the little one starting moving, searching for food or anything to chew. "See? It's fine."

"Oooooooh! The bunny got tired of piggyback riding, got it. But why the bunny below didn't get tired? Wasn't it supposed to be the tired one?"


She kept asking more and more about the rabbits.

Turned out Mitsuki's parents found her earlier than expected, so she had to leave, waving goodbyes for the farmers and animals. Lucky farmer, saved by them.

Piggyback ride...

Character Concept
I'll place here, over time, only drawings made by me for general reference.
What is consistent artstyle